Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Life Hack: How To Remove Jar Labels

Hey guys! Do you ever find yourselves going crazy trying to remove a jar label? I like to save and reuse glass jars, but sometimes, I have a very hard time removing the jar labels and the remaining glue residue from the surface of my jars. Luckily, I've found a safe and natural way to remove jar labels!
All you will be needing for this project will be some vinegar, cotton pads or paper towels, and your jar. For this life-hack, I used rice vinegar, but I'm sure any other type of vinegar will work just fine.
Try your best to remove as much as the label as you can and then soak a cotton pad or paper towel in vinegar and dab it over the label. Let the vinegar soak into the label for a few minutes. If you feel that the vinegar starts to dry up, just dab more vinegar onto the label to keep it wet and then start rubbing at the label until it starts peeling.
There might be some left over glue residue stuck to the jar, but you can dab more vinegar over the residue and keep rubbing until you're able to remove all of the remaining residue.
Now, you should be left with a smooth and clean surface!

If you aren't worried about chemicals, acetone (nail polish remover) also works just as well in removing jar labels from glass jars; however, from personal experience, I would not advice you use acetone on plastic surfaces because it may slightly dissolve the surface depending on what type of plastic it is.

This was just a neat little trick that I picked up from from a friend that I thought I would share.

As always I hope this post was useful to you in some shape or form and please let me know what you guys think of this "Life-Hack" in the comments below!  Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog!

Until next time~